Best Way to Block DHT Naturally at Home | DHT Blocker
Best Natural DHT Blocker for Male Hair Loss DHT is now widely believed to be the devil behind the problem of hair loss. Over ninety-five percent of hair loss cases are the cause of DHT and so the main course of action in treating DHT is to stop it by using a natural DHT blocker. There are many ways to accomplish blocking of DHT and these include keeping DHT from attaching to the receptors of the hair follicles, reducing the production of DHT in the first place, inhibiting the production of the enzyme 5 alpha reductase, the main cause for the existence of DHT or reduce the substance that produces the enzyme 5 alpha-reductase - cholesterol. A DHT blocker is any substance that can produce any of the conditions mentioned here. Once DHT is effectively blocked the remaining hair follicles will be able to convalesce and begin to grow healthy hair once again. Complicated Right? Now coming back to the point, the Best Way to Block DHT Naturally: The best natural DHT blocker is zinc...